Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Word of the day!!! I want to...... phrases

Ani Ro-tz-eh (male) Li-shon (to sleep)
Ani Ro-tz-a (female) Lishon
Ani Ro-tz-eh/a La-le-het (Hard he) La-yam (to the beach, literally to the sea)
Ani Ro-tz-eh/a Le-eh-hol (hard h) I want to eat
Ani Ro-tz-eh/a Le-ta-yell (to travel/take a walk)

Practice! (:


  1. does ani rotza la-le-het (lalehet), i want to go to the beach. is the literal break down ....Ani(i) Rotza(want) lalehet(to the beach)? and does that La is (to) or le is (to) and the root word for beach is (het) or (la-het)
    If it is (het) what is la-het exactly

  2. Hi Jewel
    Good question
    Ani- I'm
    lalehet (to go)
    Layam (to the beach)
    AND YES THE La means to (when refering to a place) le means to when combined with an action
    le-his-ta-per (to get a hair cut)
    Makes sense?
